Director: Marc Jacobs
Costume Designer: Emily Feil
California State University East Bay Theater
I designed the costumes for 1984. The play was during Trump’s presidency and was a perfect snapshot of 1984’s misinformation and fake media cycles. The costumes were basic suits in various states of repair meant to represent a dystopian version of modern capitalism. The main goal was to have the suits appear that they are the only suit the characters own and that they could have possibly pulled from a pile after their previous owners “disappeared.” I also styled Parson’s daughter based on images of Hitler Youths from WWII. Having Julia and Winston be played by female leads added an extra layer to the forbidden love the two main characters face.
Designs for the main cast of 1984.
Winston's prosthetic hand made from a glove and thermo-plastic.
1984 full cast.
Julia and Winston.
Parson's daughter and member of the Junior Spies.
Winston torture scene.